Supporting people with disabilities in pursuit of the better through informed choice

Empowering People With Disabilities Towards Financial Independence

Benefits Counseling

At Meliora Consulting, we specialize in Benefits Planning Assistance, catering to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) clients seeking comprehensive guidance on their Social Security, Public Assistance, and Federal benefits. Our mission is to alleviate beneficiaries' concerns about potential benefit loss while re-entering the workforce by providing a fresh perspective on optimizing their financial situation while leveraging SSA Work Incentives.
For authorized Vocational Rehabilitation Clients, Meliora Consulting offers:
  1. Client/Beneficiary Consultation: An initial meeting to understand employment goals, work history, and concerns.
  2. Action and guidance to resolve any benefits issues that need immediate attention.

  3. Benefit Verification: Thorough verification of SSA, public assistance, and other federal benefits.
  4. Written Benefits Summary & Analysis (BSA): A comprehensive report with supporting documents.
  5. Beneficiary/Rep Payee Meeting: A session to review the BSA and explain the utilization of tools like the Trial Work Period chart for benefit tracking.
  6. Self-Advocacy Guidance: Instructions on advocating with SSA and DHS, along with information and referrals when needed.
  7. Remote Counseling Statewide in Colorado: Meliora Consulting offers remote services via phone, email and video chat. We work closely with VR clients to facilitate document collection and signatures.

Supported Employment

Meliora Consulting is committed to fostering a better future for individuals with disabilities through its comprehensive Supported Employment Services. At Meliora, we believe that every person deserves the opportunity to pursue a meaningful and fulfilling career, and our services are designed to make that vision a reality.
Career Discovery: Our Career Discovery program is the first step on the journey towards employment success. We work closely with individuals with disabilities to identify their unique strengths, interests, and aspirations. Through personalized assessments and one-on-one consultations, we help them uncover their true potential and determine suitable career paths.
Job Preparation and Development: Armed with a clear understanding of their strengths and career goals, our clients move on to our Job Preparation and Development phase. Here, we provide comprehensive support to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their chosen careers. This includes resume building, interview preparation, job search strategies, and skill development workshops.
Person-Centered Employment Planning: Meliora Consulting understands that each individual is unique, and their employment journey should reflect that. Our Person-Centered Employment Planning services focus on creating customized plans that align with the specific needs, preferences, and abilities of each client. We work collaboratively with clients and their support networks to develop strategies for sustainable employment and long-term success.
Personal Adjustment Training: The transition to the workplace can be challenging, but our Personal Adjustment Training program is there to provide ongoing support and guidance. We help individuals with disabilities adapt to their new work environments, develop effective communication skills, and manage any potential barriers they may encounter. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and successful integration into the workforce.
The name "Meliora" is derived from the Latin word for "better" or "pursuit of the better," reflecting our core mission and purpose. We believe in the inherent potential of individuals with disabilities and are dedicated to improving their lives by empowering them to achieve meaningful employment opportunities. Our commitment to the pursuit of a better future for our clients drives everything we do.
At Meliora Consulting, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to thrive in the workforce, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Our Supported Employment Services are tailored to empower individuals with disabilities to discover their strengths, prepare for meaningful careers, create personalized employment plans, and adjust to their new work environments. Together, we strive for a better and more inclusive future, where every person has the opportunity to pursue their dreams and reach their full potential.

Our Vision:

 We envision a world where individuals with disabilities are not only accepted but celebrated for their unique talents and contributions. Meliora Consulting strives to be the catalyst for positive change, forging alliances, and driving partnerships that create a more inclusive and equitable society. Together, we aim to make the pursuit of "Better" a reality for all.